


This often mischievous life

makes me smile.

It makes us believe that nothing is impossible,

yet we have a secret she will never know.

Despite her constantly presenting us

with the ugliest things,

we always succeed

in seeing something good.

She does often place us before a crossroads,

where making a decision can be extremely hard.

But we give it a little thought,

and finally make our decision.

It’d be easier not to decide,

but that too would be a choice in the end.

So we might as well choose a path,

right or wrong though it may be,

it will surely lead us somewhere.

What really matters is that

it is us who decide.

Those people who chose to hang

their hearts up to a hook,

because life only gave them bad experiences,


I say that the soul, the heart of a person,

can never be set aside or hung up on a hook

because life sometimes goes a roundabout way,

but always rewards those who know how to live

with a smile on their faces,

those who know how to give

without expecting something in return,

and those who know how to forgive

without spite

because in the end, in this brief transit of ours

we are nothing but blind souls

waiting for a point of light.

Have a good journey, beautiful souls

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Posted on 25/11/2016 in Never Lose Hope

Written by Samuel Colombo

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