SHOCKING NEWS: Donald Trump is the new President of the United States. What now?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters as he takes the stage for a campaign event in Dallas, Monday, Sept. 14, 2015. (AP Photo/LM Otero)


Unexpected victory! Who would have ever thought…

Yet, despite what the latest American polls indicated, Donald Trump has surprised everyone and become the president of one of the major world powers.

What will happen now?

All world presidents have taken note.

Some are happy. Some are worried. Meanwhile Hillary congratulates Trump.

In other countries they would have already lodged an appeal alleging electoral fraud.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front National French Party, was the first to congratulate the new president on Twitter, even before they finished counting the ballots.

Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, exulted: “It seems that 2016 is going to be the year of two major political revolutions” referring to Brexit as the first revolution.

Turkish President Erdogan: “The American people have made their choice and this choice will mark the beginning of a new season in the United States. I wish a happy future to the United States, welcoming the choice of the American people”.

We cannot omit the statement made by Putin though, considering the “Cold War” atmosphere that Russia and the United States are experiencing: “When he was still a presidential candidate for the White House race, Donald Trump made some statements aimed at restoring the relations between Russia and the USA. We understand and realise that it will be a difficult path considering the deterioration of our relations. Russia is ready to do its part and wants to rebuild full relations with the USA.”

This can only be a good thing.

In his first declaration after the election, Donald Trump on his part set aside heated tones, outbursts and a loud voice to say that he will be the President of all people reaching out to those who were not on his side until yesterday. All this to make America shine again, in line with its slogan: “Make America Great Again”.

We at West Africa Corporation have decided to put our trust in Trump and not have any preconception but at the same time we will stay alert and monitor his every move.

Congratulations Mr President!

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Posted on 10/11/2016 in State Of Play

Written by Samuel Colombo

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